© hfmsousa, 2020
Dr   Helder   Sousa   is   an   expert,   with   international   experience   and   strong   exposure   to   the   industry   sector,   on   Structural   Health   Monitoring (SHM)   applied   on   Civil   Engineering   infrastructures,   visiting   Professor   at   the   University   of   Surrey,   UK,   where   he   teaches   in   the   fields   of Bridge Management and Infrastructure Asset Management. With       core       expertise       in       structures       of       Civil       Engineering       (PhD       with       7       journal       papers,       2012,       https://repositorio- aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/68424 ),   his   scientific   knowledge   spans   from   (before   PhD   conclusion)   advanced   Finite   Element   Analysis   of   full- scale   structures   to   (after   PhD   conclusion)   Bayesian   statistics   and   Value   of   Information   theory,   mainly   single   and   sequential   updating methods,   passing   through   wide   experience   in   tacking   big-data   streams   collected   by   monitoring   systems   installed   on   full-scale   bridges. Altogether   makes   Dr   Sousa   holding   a   holistic   and   singular   profile   with   a   comprehensive   view   and   perception   on   the   different   levels   of science, i.e. fundamental research and applied research. With   44   conference   papers,   18   scientific   journal   papers,   2   book   chapters,   more   than   35   oral   presentations   in   several   countries   of   Europe and   beyond,   as   well   as   4   short-scientific   missions   at   top   leading   R&D   Institutes   in   Europe   (ETH   Zurich   in   Switzerland,   TNO   R&D   institute   in Netherlands, CEREMA in France and COWI in Denmark), makes Dr Sousa has one of the recognized researchers in his research field.   Awarded   with   several   research   grants   and   consultancy   funding,   highlighting   his   Individual   Marie   Skłodowska-Curie   Fellowship   (2015-17, http://www.lostprecon.eu/ )   and   his   role   as   the   leader   of   the   Innovation   Committee   of   the   European   COST   Action   TU1402   –   Quantifying   the Value      of      Structural      Health      Monitoring,      as      a      legal      representative      of      the      BRISA      Group      (2014-19,      https://www.cost- tu1402.eu/Action/Innovation-Committee ). Currently,   he   is   Guest   Editor   in   the   top-ranked   scientific   journal   Structure   &   Infrastructure   Engineering   and   (co-)leads   two   special   sessions in   the   next   European   Workshop   on   Structural   Health   Monitoring   (Italy,   2022)   and   in   the   13th   ASCE   Specialty   Conference   on   Probabilistic Mechanics   and   Reliability   (New   York,   2021).   His   enrolment   in   scientific   committees   at   the   European   level   and   wide   experience   in   acting   as   a reviewer for national and international science councils is also a clear demonstration of his leadership and independence skills.
© hfmsousa, 2020
Dr   Helder   Sousa   is   an   expert,   with   international   experience   and strong    exposure    to    the    industry    sector,    on    Structural    Health Monitoring   (SHM)   applied   on   Civil   Engineering   infrastructures   and Visiting   Professor   at   the   University   of   Surrey,   UK,   where   he   teaches in    the    fields    of    Bridge    Management    and    Infrastructure    Asset Management. With   core   expertise   in   structures   of   Civil   Engineering   (PhD   with   7 journal      papers,      2012,      https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/ 10216/68424 ),    his    scientific    knowledge    spans    from    (before    PhD conclusion)      advanced      Finite      Element      Analysis      of      full-scale structures   to   (after   PhD   conclusion)   Bayesian   statistics   and   Value   of Information     theory,     mainly     single     and     sequential     updating methods,    passing    through    wide    experience    in    tacking    big-data streams    collected    by    monitoring    systems    installed    on    full-scale bridges.   Altogether   makes   Dr   Sousa   holding   a   holistic   and   singular profile   with   a   comprehensive   view   and   perception   on   the   different levels of science, i.e. fundamental research and applied research. With   46   conference   papers,   15   scientific   journal   papers,   2   book chapters,   more   than   35   oral   presentations   in   several   countries   of Europe   and   beyond,   as   well   as   4   short-scientific   missions   at   top leading   R&D   Institutes   in   Europe   (ETH   Zurich   in   Switzerland,   TNO R&D    institute    in    Netherlands,    CEREMA    in    France    and    COWI    in Denmark),   makes   Dr   Sousa   has   one   of   the   recognized   researchers in his research field.   Awarded    with    several    research    grants    and    consultancy    funding, highlighting     his     Individual     Marie     Skłodowska-Curie     Fellowship (2015-17,    http://www.lostprecon.eu/ )    and    his    recent    role    as    the leader   of   the   Innovation   Committee   of   the   European   COST   Action TU1402   –   Quantifying   the   Value   of   Structural   Health   Monitoring,   as a       legal       representative       of       the       BRISA       Group       (2014-19, https://www.cost-tu1402.eu/Action/Innovation-Committee ). Currently,   he   is   Guest   Editor   in   the   top-ranked   scientific   journal Structure   &   Infrastructure   Engineering   and   (co-)leads   two   special sessions    in    the    next    European    Workshop    on    Structural    Health Monitoring   (Italy,   2021)   and   in   the   13th   ASCE   Specialty   Conference on    Probabilistic    Mechanics    and    Reliability    (New    York,    2021).    His enrolment   in   scientific   committees   at   the   European   level   and   wide experience   in   acting   as   a   reviewer   for   national   and   international science   councils   is   also   a   clear   demonstration   of   his   leadership   and independence skills.